I'm sick of the media mischaracterizing the freaking issue. The GOP isn't against womens' reproductive rights, buttwads, they're against having to pay for optional and purely personal procedures and medicines. If you want to use birth control - go for it. Comes out of your pocket. Same as if you want to have your nose made smaller, fat liposuctioned, tits enlarged or whatever. If you want a Cadillac, go for it. Just don't expect me to freaking pay for it. Doesn't mean I'm prejudiced against consumers wanting Caddys, just that I don't want to pay for something YOU want.
I'm gonna get crude here, so
here goes.
If women can demand free (for
them - the rest of us have to
pay for it) birth control and
free (see previous) abortions,
then By Gawd I want free dick
enlargement procedures as well
as other cosmetic surgery -
because after all, my positive
self image is a RIGHT,
dammit, and YOU should be
paying for it, not me.
Occasionally, I suffer from
ASB (Acute Sperm
Backup), a proven medical
condition that can cause poor
health. Clinics set up to
relieve that pressure should be
taxpayer funded (legal hookers,
dammit!). And if you oppose it,
you are a male hating
misogynist, prejudiced against
men, and probably club male baby
harp seals for fun and wear the
bloody furs while dancing around
an effigy of a penis and
testicles, cutting them to
pieces with switchblade tampons
while singing Helen Reddy's
I Am Woman.
See what I did there?
Exaggeration, marginalization,
misrepresentation - all tactics
that are being used to support
my paying for someone else's
abortions and birth control.
Look, the whole idea of
rights has been completely
corrupted. Rights are what the
Bill of Rights guarantees us
in the
Constitution - as far as
Federally recognized rights.
Each state may add to them, but
they cannot infringe on them.
Plus, we aren't given
these rights by our government,
we naturally own them and
the powers that be cannot mess
with them.
I challenge any of you who think
female reproductive rights
(including my funding your
procedures) are actually
outlined in the Bill of Rights
to point out which one
enumerates that God Given Right.
You cannot. If you want the Bill
of Rights to "make it so" then
get your bad selves right after
on working on ratifying an
amendment. That is the proper
chain of command. But you cannot
do that, either, so by
misdirection and crummy politics
y'all try to force the rest of
us to your way of thinking.
I'm sick of it. You want it? You
pay for it. Not me.
If you cannot reach me by clicking on the "COMMENTS" link, please email me at cimarronkansas@yahoo.com with "I'm Sick of It" in the subject line.