"The Great Escape" Or

"My Bucket's Gotta Hole In It."


Great Job City Of Cimarron.  What we first thought was going to be a four-day run of low water pressure, our City Fathers and Crews gave us our usual terrific service.  The same service we receive when blizzards or any adverse condition hits us was used to get us back to normal way ahead of time.   Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. 

The Leak It Seems Was From A Phenomena Called "Rust On Rust"

At The Leak Point There Is A Siphon Tube Welded To The Inside Of The Tank.  The Sunlight on My Camera Points Directly At The Hole.

I Tried To Get This Job But The City Had Already Hired The Crew.  Too Bad, I Could Have Had This Job Done In No Time.  However, We May Have Had To Hire Another Crew To Handle The Special Rope I Would Have Had To Use.