The Streets Of Cimarron, written and performed by Allen Bailey, formerly from Cimarron
and he is now the official Dodge City Marshal.  Here is his note and a link to his song.



Now check out his artwork, Cimarron's old elevator.  Click here.  It is at the bottom of the page.

Howdy Pete,
I have put together a page on a song that I have written called "The Streets Of Cimarron".
It is an Old West song that takes place in 1880s Cimarron. The site has the words, and the
song itself will download via mp3 so that you can listen. If you think that you might be
interested, I would appreciate a link to the page.  Have a look and see what you think.
God Bless, Allen

From the desk of Dodge City's Official Marshal,
Allen D. Bailey
Howdy Pete,
I now have a site on-line where folks can order my new CD 'The Streets Of Cimarron', with either Visa or Mastercard.  Just go to
 and order.  The link that was here no longer works but I am sure Allen can take care of you.  His address is below.
I will also take personal checks. The cost is $13.00 plus $2.00 S&H.

Allen D. Bailey CD
Box 81
Montezuma, Kansas 67867
By the way, Allen dropped me off a copy of his CD and I just can't get enough of it.  I am not a country western fan but am really starting to enjoy cowboy music.  It is in a class by itself.  Thanks
Allen.  Pete.