The River Chronicles (Starting May of 2000)
Pictures Below. 
The drier than normal summer has brought great change to our river.  I have taken several pictures and put them in my "river pictures" section but decided to put the ones showing the changes this summer in one section.  These pictures are mainly looking west from the Cimarron river bridge.  You can see the same deadwood tree in each of those pictures.
I have added Ingalls and Howell bridge pictures, plus a location east of 5th street about straight south of the Ampride truck stop.  The river was still running pretty strong there while the other locations were dry.
Today, 6/15/02 the river is still dry.  It is the driest they say since the Dirty Thirties here in SW Kansas and Easter Colorado.  The worst problem for the river is the dry winter and spring in Colorado.  They say there is a good chance of water not
even reaching the irrigation canals at Garden City, let alone reaching Cimarron.
This shot is from on the river bridge looking west.  5/7/2000


river 51601.jpg (55200 bytes) 5/16/01

There is still a trickle.  Notice where we were last year.  It quit the 18th and started again on about the 25th.

This is shot from the same spot as the above picture on 6/24/2000.



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These are from 6/2/01.  Second is 5th street where it is washed out.  The third is a new island east of the bridge where the river forks then meets again.

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Same Spot again only on 7/8/2000.  I have heard the river went dry around the first of July.

Dry Again, July 16, 2001


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Once again, same spot 7/25/2000.  Recent rains have helped bring water to Cimarron once again.

8/21/2018 STILL DRY!!
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From the river bridge at Cimarron looking west.  Same shot as above pictures but on 8/05/2000.
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From the river bridge at Ingalls looking west, 8/05/2000.  Just a hint of water but no movement.
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From the Howell river bridge looking west, 8/05/2000.
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This is the spot east of the sand pit that had running water at the same time the above three pictures were taken.
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These three pictures were taken 11/24/2000.  Again you can see the fallen tree landmark.  The river is coming but it is a slow process.
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This picture was taken 12/5/2000.  Water has been running since 11/24 or 11/25.
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This picture taken 1/15/2001 on Cimarron's River Bridge at same spot as many previous pictures.

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Once again, from the same spot on the bridge taken 1/18/2001.

More river pictures