We are hopefully only one month from opening day.  There are many
volunteer workers, but there is a great need for more.  There were some
high school men helping today and some have been helping along
the way.  I am sure more high school help would be greatly welcome too.
These pictures were taken around 1PM, July 4th. and the sun was very 
bright but they came out pretty well.
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North Entrance is looking good. Retaining wall is made with block Court area is coming along. Driving range hitting area. Practice Green
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Number one tee box. Looking towards #1 Green. Number 2 tee box. Looking towards #2 Green.  
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Looking towards #3 Green. Number 4 tee box. Looking towards #4 Green. Number 5 tee box. Looking towards #5 Green.
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Number 6 tee box. Looking towards #6 green. Number 7 tee box. Looking towards #7 Green. Number 7 Green
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Number 8 tee box. Looking towards #8 Green. Number 9 tee box. Looking towards #9 Green. Looking out the balcony window
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    Looking from the balcony south.    

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